Experiences of Workplaces
Gatsby 6
​For school, colleges and work-based learning organisations we will work with you to design a bespoke delivery plan depending on the needs of the school and the learners.
Work Experience for learners in Years 8-11
This programme provides a placement for the learners with one of our 100+ West Midlands based employer organisations, supporting and evaluating learners progress throughout. The service includes an employer risk assessment and safeguarding checks.
Helping You Get The Job You Want PLUS - Employability Skills PLUS Work Experience for learners in Years 10-11
This programme supports the transition of pupils at risk of becoming NEET from compulsory education to further education and/or training and/or employment by developing employability skills and providing meaningful work experience.
With the option for learners to work towards or complete NCFE Qualifications in Employability Skills at Entry Award L1/L2 and L3 Certificate at L1/L2 or L3. This programme also provides a placement for the learners with one of our 100+ West Midlands based employer organisations, supporting and evaluating learners progress throughout. The service includes an employer risk assessment and safeguarding checks.
​For more information on any of our Work Experience Programmes please contact us on
or email supportingyou@careerseekersdirect.co.uk