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Emplois disponibles

Si votre entreprise ou organisation a des opportunités d'emploi, Career Seekers Direct peut les promouvoir pour vous.

En tant qu'organisation, nous restons indépendants et impartiaux dans la prestation de nos services. Cependant, nos clients nous demandent souvent quelles opportunités sont disponibles. Si vous souhaitez discuter de la façon dont nous pouvons promouvoir votre emploi, votre apprentissage et vos opportunités de diplômés, veuillez appeler Eva Harrison au 07901 517012, par courriel à

Mencap are an amazing organisation who empower people with learning disabilities to lead fulfilling lives.  Everything they do is about valuing and supporting them and their carers to enable them to live as independently as possible. Click here for information on their current rewarding roles where you would make a difference in someone's life every day.  

Careers at

Warwickshire College Group

Warwickshire College Group have some exciting job opportunities across all the college campuses.  You can read more about what is currently available here. 


Careers at

Warwickshire County Council

Warwickshire County Council offer a wide range of rewarding career opportunities and they have apprenticeship and graduate opportunities available too.  Take a look here to see the range of opportunities that are currently available. 

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